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            "*": "Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."
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        "pages": {
            "99": {
                "pageid": 99,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Remote broadcast",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "Remote (outside) broadcasting is a way of taking over STAR's audio stream from a computer outside of the studio. It can be used to broadcast live lounges and other events. STAR requires two stream encoders, MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, which restricts the number of suitable software.\n\nTo do this via Discord, see [[Broadcasting via Discord]].\n\n== macOS ==\n* Download [ Soundflower] \u2013 this lets you pass audio within between applications, analogous to having an audio interface inside your laptop.\n** [ BlackHole] does a similar thing, but generally seems to be more up-to-date than Soundflower and works properly on macOS Catalina as of April 2020.\n* Download [ LadioCast] via the App Store \u2013 this lets you broadcast via two separate Icecast streamers.\n** Known issue: access to internal mic may be randomly revoked, and must be turned on again before Ladiocast will show input level.\n** Ladiocast settings:\n*** Host:\n*** Port: 8080\n*** Mount:\n**** Streamer 1: stream/1.mp3\n**** Streamer 2: stream/1.ogg\n*** User: source\n*** Password: ask [[Head Technician]]\n*** Stream name: STAR\n*** Web URL:\n*** Match encoding settings to the streamer, i.e. MP3 or Ogg Vorbis. You can experiment with the other encoding settings, but the following should work:\n**** Sample rate (Hz): Auto\n**** Bit rate (kb/s): 48\n**** Channel: stereo"
            "22": {
                "pageid": 22,
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                "title": "Secretary",
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                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "The Secretary, also known as the Director of Internal Communications, is responsible for taking minutes at committee meetings, and sending the weekly email to subscribers.\n\nThey are contactable via [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]].\n\n== Past Secretaries ==\n{| class=\"wikitable\"\n|-\n! Year\n! Name\n! Position Title\n|-\n| [[2013/14|2013/14]]\n| Rachael Leach\n| Director of Internal Communications\n|-\n| [[2014/15|2014/15]]\n| Camille Hamilton-Villemur\n| Director of Internal Communications\n|-\n| [[2015/16|2015/16]]\n| Unknown\n| Unknown\n|-\n| [[2016/17|2016/17]]\n| Florence Langford\n| Director of Internal Communications\n|-\n| [[2017/18|2017/18]]\n| Laura Mueller\n| Director of Internal Communications\n|-\n| [[2018/19|2018/19]]\n| Bear Hutchison\n| Head of Internal Communications\n|-\n| [[2019/20|2019/20]]\n| Jordan McKay\n| Secretary\n|-\n| [[2020/21]]\n| Maia Rakovic\n| Secretary\n|-\n| [[2021/22]]\n| Lynn Nguyen\n| Secretary\n|}\n\n== Handover ==\n=== Intro ===\nWithin the role of Secretary you will be responsible for writing minutes at committee meetings, and creating the weekly emails which will be sent out to everyone on the mailing list.\n\n=== Tasks ===\n* After writing minutes for a meeting, you must send them to [mailto:[email protected] Christine McCue] as a PDF or Word document. It's also good to send the minutes to [mailto:[email protected] committee@].\n* Be creative with the weekly email. Check if the Station Manager and other committee members have anything to include on the email, e.g. events, tech updates.\n** Use Mailchimp to check the layout of previous emails. Last year, the layout consisted of: welcome message, events, anything else important, merch sales, office hours, and song of the week, but you can include any extra segment you like.\n** Make sure that Mailchimp sends the newsletter from [email protected]. Outlook acts strangely around some email security policies which STAR has, and so there's a special exemption in the University's spam filter to let our newsletter come through. Replies to that email address will still come through to your STAR email.\n\n=== Links ===\n* []\n** Take some time to work through the settings, and get familiar with the user interface. You'll need to change your account details, and things like the \"from\" address on new email templates.\n\n=== Contacts ===\n* Previous Secretary\n* Christine McCue, Union Receptionist: [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]"