Create a Jingle

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Jingles are a 5-20 second musical introduction to your show and a great (and easy) way to solidify your show branding and set yourself apart from the crowd.

Creating a Jingle

  1. Find an instrumental. This could be the karaoke track of your favourite song, or just search ‘free (lofi, trap, pop, sad, sexy, literally anything) beats’ on YouTube and copy and paste the link into a YouTube to MP3 converter and download it. Alternatively, if you can’t quite find the one, send an email to [email protected] with details of what you want and they may be able to help you make something from scratch - see The Record's jingle.
  2. Choose the bit you like best. 10-20 seconds is ideal but go with what feels right. Dependent on whether you want to do a voiceover (see the next step), you may want a section with more or less happening instrumentally.
  3. Do you want to do a voiceover? You might want the jingle to introduce the show for you (e.g. you’re listening to/welcome back to/ introducing/insert anything you want to say - see the example of OKUK's jingle). If you decide you want to record vocals, proceed to step 4. If you just want the instrumental, skip to step 5.
  4. Record your voiceover. To make sure it all sounds ‘together’, pull the instrumental up on your computer and play it in-ear via headphones. Open Voice Memos on your phone, hit record and say your piece over the beat. Record it as many times as you need until you’re happy. If there's more than one show host who wants to feature, you can record together or separately, it doesn't matter! And don't worry, nobody likes the sound of their own voice (but if you're really desperate John can say it for you with the same beautiful voice as the OKUK jingle).
  5. Email the files to our Head of Production. Email [email protected] with the instrumental and, if you have one, the voiceover file (which you can usually attach directly to an email from the Voice Memos app). You can also mention any guidance on how you’d like it to sound (when should the voiceover kick in? Do you want it to fade in or out? Reverb? Delay? Or if this makes no sense don’t worry and he'll do what sounds best). We can then put them both together, and get them ready for you to play on air!